Our Services

Solutions for Quality Elderly Care

Assistance with medication

Assistance with

Our skilled caregivers ensure that medications are taken as prescribed, maintaining a safe and organized medication schedule. We provide reminders, assist with administration, and monitor for any adverse reactions, ensuring your well-being.

Personal hygiene Assistance

Personal hygiene

We offer dignified assistance with personal hygiene tasks, including bathing, grooming, and dressing. Our caregivers provide gentle and respectful support, promoting a sense of confidence and well-being for our clients.

Continence Nurse


Our certified continence nurses assess and develop personalized continence management plans. We provide support and guidance to individuals experiencing bladder or bowel control issues, helping them regain confidence and improve their quality of life.

Stoma Care

Stoma Care

Individuals with ostomies require specialized care and attention. Our caregivers are trained in stoma care, ensuring proper cleaning, maintenance, and appliance changes. We focus on minimizing discomfort and enhancing the individual's quality of life.

Wound Care

Wound Care

Our skilled nursing staff is experienced in wound care management. We use advanced techniques and sterile procedures to facilitate healing and prevent infections. Regular assessment and dressing changes are conducted to promote optimal recovery.

Catheter Care

Catheter Care

Proper catheter care is crucial to prevent infections and complications. Our dedicated team provides skilled catheter care, including regular cleaning, monitoring for signs of infection, and ensuring the catheter is functioning correctly.

Bowel Therapy

Bowel Therapy

Our bowel therapy programs are designed to address various gastrointestinal issues. Our experienced therapists work closely with clients to develop tailored plans, incorporating dietary adjustments, exercise, and medical interventions to promote bowel health.

Contact  Us

Are you seeking compassionate, professional, and personalized home care services in North Brisbane?

 Look no further, Care with Purpose is here for you. Contact us today to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs. Let us be the caring hand that supports you or your loved one on the path to a fulfilling life at home.

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